Wednesday, March 5, 2014

The TImes They Are A-Changin'

Hello there.
Whoever you are...

I have been so. Incredibly. Busy. Everyone is busy, so I feel like this is a cop-out. But it's just true. I've been taking a full load of courses with TONS of reading. I tried to work in independent sales for a spell. Oops. I still love the company, but it just didn't work out. I've also spent what little time I have left taking care of my lil self; yoga, sleep, eating food that's not terrible for me, ya know. A little bit of social time, a dash of sleep here and there, and I am burning out.

But I need to do this. Write, I mean. Because I've discovered something terrifying: I am not as passionate and creative as I once was. I used to be able to pull stories from thin air, draw, crochet, sing, bake... essentially, I was a grandma, but still, I had talents that I cultivated and utilized purely for enjoyment. But nowadays? It's like casting a bucket into a well and just scraping a bit of muddy water from the bottom. I keep tossing the bucket down to help with essays and such, and it's just... dry. I'M dry. And that just will not do. I will not become middle-aged and burned-out before my time.

I'm not going to change everything about myself just because of this. I'm still not going to drink, even though "everyone does it," because A) that is a blatant myth, and B) I would find it terrifying to look back on a night and not remember it. We only get a finite number of nights. Why would I ever toss an entire night into a bottle of vodka? Because "that's what college kids do"? Pshhh, I don't buy into those kinds of generalizations.

I have to change something. All of these crazy deadlines and papers and articles on the evolution of the apple (don't ask, you're not ready (hardy har, name that series!) ), they are draining me of life before it's begun. I deeply enjoy research and scholarly work, but I find myself absorbed for weeks on end in topics that hold less enjoyment for me than they should.

SO! I have a camera. I'm committed to learning about myself, as cheesy as that sounds. Hey, stop rolling your eyes! Not my fault that I'm addicted to Oprah's Life Class. I am going to document my deathly boring life for y'all. Buckle up, because it's going to be a wild ride! Well, only if you consider those little kiddie roller coasters wild. But I do, so let's go! Insert catchy catchphrase from television/movie here!

(PS: I am sitting in the library. Someone threw a snowball at the window and made me jump about 20 feet. I turn around, and they stare back awkwardly before running away. They clearly mistook me for someone else. Cue bedtime.)